There are lemon laws established at both state and federal levels to protect consumers from unsafe vehicles and inappropriate dealership conduct. A lemon is a new vehicle that does not conform to the manufacturer’s warranty. It may have serious issues that require repair for the vehicle to be safe.
Lemons can be dangerous, and they also undermine the value obtained via a new vehicle purchase. Those who have purchased a lemon theoretically have certain rights. They can take it to the dealership to have work done at no cost to them because the new vehicle was not in brand-new condition.
Sometimes, they can request a replacement vehicle if the dealership cannot repair the vehicle. Other times, they may be eligible for a refund of what they paid for the lemon. Those navigating a lemon law issue made decide to hire an attorney. Doing so can be a smart move and may improve the chances of a favorable outcome.
Dealerships want to limit losses first and foremost
The salespeople working at a dealership care about selling as many vehicles as possible at the highest markup they can justify. Such practices may increase their take-home pay. They don’t want a buyer to return a vehicle or demand a replacement.
Sales professionals working at dealerships sometimes use dark psychology as a way to manipulate those who have purchased on satisfactory vehicles. They may smile and claim to be cooperative while simultaneously trying to trick a consumer into accepting less than they deserve or forgoing their rights under lemon laws. They may fake a bond with the buyer to use their sense of guilt against them.
Attorneys are less susceptible to dark psychology tactics and the coercive techniques employed by sales professionals. They know the law and what their clients deserve. They also have training on negotiations that can help them overcome attempts to manipulate the situation.
Consumers already dealing with the practical frustrations generated by a lemon vehicle can leave the fallout to a professional when they hire legal representation. Recognizing that the process of making a lemon law claim can be very complex and frustrating can help people recognize why they might need the assistance of a professional familiar with that process before moving forward.