Are You Worried About The Cost Of Hiring A Lemon Law Attorney? Don’t Be!
With the vast majority of lemon law cases, the car buyer never pays anything out of pocket, so you have nothing to lose by contacting a lemon law attorney at Lemon LawDog.
Under Texas and Ohio lemon laws, the seller or manufacturer must pay attorney fees for successful lemon law claims. Likewise, federal lemon laws require sellers or manufacturers to pay the lawyer fees for successful consumer protection claims.
For a free consultation, please call us at 888-472-1124 or fill out our contact form. Our lemon law attorneys represent clients throughout Texas and Ohio.
Our Consumer Protection Attorneys Handle Everything For Your Lemon Law Claim
You have had enough to deal with already. When you have had to go through the hassle of servicing a brand-new car or vehicle that requires excessive maintenance to address its defects, we are ready to step in and take over your lemon law claims. Our consumer protection attorneys can handle everything with respect to filing a claim under applicable state or federal lemon laws. We understand the process for filing lemon law claims, and we want to take care of it so you don’t have to worry about anything, including attorney fees.
Learn more about Texas lemon law and Ohio lemon law.
Contact A Lemon Law Attorney For A Free Consultation
You have nothing to lose by contacting us about your lemon law claim. State and federal lemon laws require manufacturers to cover attorney fees for consumers. That means you pay nothing out of pocket, and we offer a free consultation to review your case and explain your options. All you have to do is give us a call at 888-472-1124 or complete our contact form to get started.